Thursday, August 18, 2011

Josh's Birthday day.


This is a collage of Josh's very busy birthday day. It was easier to show it this way then to expain all the pictures =)
Enjoy and HAPYY BIRTHDAY to the bestest little boy in my life EVER!!! We love you Joshy!
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

A weekend with family

We took a trip up to New Hampshire this weekend to see my cousins. I can't tell you how hard it was for Corey and I to leave. We would have LOVED to stay up there a lot longer but life goes on back here in Massachusetts and unfortunately there are somethings we wish we could forget about. But while being there...we had nothing but good times and it was very relaxing and we are counting the days until we go back already!! HA!! Does it sound like we needed a little vacation or what?

Corey and Craig....playing an online game.....shocking!!

Nicole and baby Claira....Beautiful!!

Proud daddy Mark

It was a GORGEOUS day to be outside (I think that makes it 20 times, Danni) HA!!

Danni with Miss Amelia

Best new girlfriends Miss Amelia and Miss Claira

Look...they are holding hands.

On your mark, get set....


Joshy made himself right at home.

Anyway, thank you Danni and Craig for letting us stay in your home and making us feel welcome!! We hope to see you again soon.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A day out with Josh

So we were able to take Josh out for a day and we decided to take him to Mystic Aquarium. We got a big group of our friends and his friends and got up early and vetured off together! (I would have better pictures but these are from my phone. LONG story and don't want to go there)
Anyway, he LOVED it and it seemed so much bigger when I was a kid and we went on field trips there. Oh well, that is not important. What IS important is that Josh got to call the shots pretty much. We let him point his way through and take it all in. His favorite seemed to be all the sharks. The reef sharks he went crazy for but he liked the Bamboo sharks because they were in tanks that he could put his hands into. (he mostly liked to just splash a little) I could write so much more I am sure but it is 10pm and I just wanted to get this up on a new post to share with everyone. I will do better next time... (HA!!)

It was a really fun day and we can't wait to take him out again. Who knows where he will want to go next ;0)