Sunday, April 27, 2008


I truly have nothing to say at present - honestly, I'm curious to see how often Shelly really checks the blog she started for us. Anyone up for an over/under bet....I say May 8 and I'm taking the over.

Any takers?

Place your bets....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Beautiful New Day

Hi to all. Welcome back. Not much has been going on at this blog lately...this I know. But I just wanted to share with you the day I am having. Its a gorgeous day today (little windy but still ok). I have my printer/scanner hooked up again and we will have some pictures of the wedding to share with everyone! What else...uhm......I am sore from working out last night with my husband. Now get your minds out of the gutter....we started working out at the gym together and we intend to start a new healthy life style. Yeah yeah...I know...we have all heard THAT before. But really, I have him to motivate me and he is the reason I want to be healthy. I want to live a loooooong life together. (ask him that and he might say "looooong" is going alittle far) Seriously though....we have a goal and we want to start a family and they will be on the right track if we are. So we decided to start now. I will let you all know how that is going. (if you don't care...don't tune in) :0)
So for now, I am signing off and day down.......and well........a heck of lot more to go!