Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rest In Peace Lovely Lady

I actually got teary eyed when I heard the news (its actually hard to write this). I know some of you may be thinking, It's only a stupid tv character......but you actually have no idea what the Golden Girls mean to me and I am not just an aged 30 somthing year old who has a pathetic life if I am crying over an actor. I can tell you what it means to me:
When I first met Corey I had just moved back in with my parents in 2000. We liked each other almost right from the start and he, in my opnion was sooo out of my league. I mean just look at him. He's HOT!! But anyway....we got close and we got close FAST. I remember nights when we would just talk on the phone for hours, when we weren't together. And he always called when he got out of work and settled at his house for the night. It was around 11pm. The Golden Girls came on every night at 11pm and it started to become like a tradition for me. I knew that if he was going to call that night and I saw the Girls come on the TV I would get those butterflies. I started liking that show more than I would ever realize. Epsecially when he went away for a week and he said he would call me. 11pm came around. That happy tune filled the room...and no phone call. An hour went by. another hour went by. No call still. I was worried either something had happened or he was mad at me or something. So as sad as I was I went to bed and texted him good night anyway. I got a phone call just after I fell asleep. It was him. Long story short he apologized,longer night at work then he expected...blah blah blah. So I was up anyway and turned on the tv while talking to him. What was on? Yep...the Girls. It just made me smile. Like they brought me good luck.I will never stop watching them. I have them all on DVD!! ;0)
So silly, so stupid but it means alot to me. I also know that the women on that show are incredible people and do alot for charities and animals and so on. I love what they stand for and Estelle was too great a person to have to suffer like she did especially having severe dimensia on top of it. She was robbed of the greatest gift ever that usually NO ONE in the world could steal from any of us.....our memories. And she was stripped of one of the only free things we have in this life. She will be remembered and loved in so many more ways, just from me alone!
I just wanted to share my thoughts with everyone.
Thanks for reading!!!!! (and thank YOU for being a friend)

Thursday, July 17, 2008


So here is the latest news in the Tomlinson house hold. Corey and I have these next few days off (Wed-Fri) to celebrate our birthday at home instead of at work. What a great idea. So relaxing and its kind of nice to share our birthdays so close together. His is on the 16th and mine is on the 19th. We kind of just celebrate together, which I don't mind at all. We got the best birthday gift ever this year...I will write more on that when the time is right. (next month...don't'll know soon enough) :0)
So we are just taking day trips and not spending to much money. Maybe go the Boston Aquarium or go out to the Quabbin tomorrow. I must say it is so nice not to have to stress about what to do. Its a go with flow kinda week. So I hope you all are having a great week and I WILL be writing soon. No matter what some of you may think. So keep looking for updates. We will have some news very soon. ;0) (wink)