Sunday, February 14, 2010

I LOVE my Little guy...

We spend alot of time together when he gets home from Daycare. I miss him all day long and someday I hope I can see him more during the week!! I feel like I am missing him growing up...even though I DO get to see him everyday. The weekends are great and they are OUR time (Corey and I) to spend with our son. We can't tell you how much we love being parents.

When I was younger I always wanted a big family. I always wanted 3 or 4 children. That may seem like alot to some of you and then again, that is a small amount to others. But man I wish I had the time to make it happen. I guess I will have to be thankful for what I have. AND I AM FOR SURE!!!!

Ahhh, shucks mom....don't gush over me!

Have a Great day everyone!!

Happy Valentines Day!!

Just a little note to say Happy Valentines day!!

To MY Valentines:

No matter the weather
No matter the day
I love you much
in such a BIG way!

If I could try to think
of how much you mean to me,
My love is as tall as the mountains
and deep as the sea.

I can't think of my life
without my two Valentine guys.
I just can't find a word
that could best describe.

In love with you I am
In love with I'll be
You have blessed my life in ENORMOUS ways
I hope you will always see.

I love you so much
I will tell you for life
I am HAPPY to be your mother
and I proud to be your wife!

Love you!!!