Sunday, April 27, 2008


I truly have nothing to say at present - honestly, I'm curious to see how often Shelly really checks the blog she started for us. Anyone up for an over/under bet....I say May 8 and I'm taking the over.

Any takers?

Place your bets....


Cindi said...

Okay...I'm not a betting woman, but I think May 10 sounds likely...

love, your GREAT aunt Cindi

C R Tomlinson said...

A friendly, non-monetary wager then! Let's see how right we are - I'm not mentioning a thing to her :)

Ally said...

I am going to say that maybe sometime in the month when she has a "little one" jumping around in my guess is July!

C R Tomlinson said...

Are you prescient Ally - interesting prediction!

Ally said...

Such a big word! I am going to say yes!

C R Tomlinson said...

You can see the future? Sweet - I married into a cool family!!!

Shelly said...

Hahaha everyone. :p I am atleast glad to see other people are using my blog. Maybe I should update more than every month..hehehehe