Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chapter 34 ( a few months that is)

I LOVE coming home from work and seeing that smile that my son gives me. I think it is safe to say he definitely knows who I am and the feeling is UNBELIEVABLE! I just want to see those little teeth behind that HUGE smile all day long (and as of June I will be able to). I have been offered a job at the daycare that my son currently goes to. Now if this isn't a once in a lifetime opportunity, I don't know what is. I will be working with children (which has been my passion for a very long time now) and I will be there to watch my son grow and blossom into a little boy.
I have known since around February that I was going to be working there and I didn't want to say anything to everyone for many reasons. (questions, concerns, and worries to name a few) Only a few people were told and they too were itching to tell someone about it. I personally wanted to shout it from the roof tops!!
Another chapter in my life is about to close and I can not wait to see what life has in store for me next. You will all have to keep reading my Blog and stay tuned!!! =)

When I told Josh the news he got very excited!

Well....we all kind of know he didn't understand what I was saying when I told him that mommy put in her notice at her current job. But I sure like to think he felt my relief and excitement and was basking in the glow of my happiness!!
Just look at this can't tell me he isn't happy for mommy!! HA HA

Anyhoo, I just wanted to share the joy with all of you. I am different person already. I have courage and confidence and a future to look forward to. Like I said, a NEW Chapter to begin. I would do anything for the people I love. ESPECIALLY that little boy. You could never tear me away. He is stuck with me for life and from where I sit....he doesn't seem to mind so far!

Here's to the future:I hope it goes by super slow

Monday, April 5, 2010

Crazy about my Monkey....

It is amazing to me how time is flying by. I know people say it all the time and they say "enjoy it while it last" but you just kind of shrug it off. When you are "in the moment" it seems things will be like that forever. Especially when things are good. I just wanted to take a look back and share all the growing my little guy has done. I just can't believe it!! I must say people were right, I am sure others will not believe me, when I tell them the same. (I know he is only almost 8 months old but to me its more like....HE IS ALMOST 8 MONTHS OLD!!)
You have to live it, learn it, and LOVE it. (enjoy it while it lasts.)
See for yourself (not that you didn't believe me) Sorry this is going to be a LONG post!









I have so many pictures I honestly can't choose just a few...It was nice to go through them all though and remember every second of his life. Sorry to bore you with pictures and stuff...but this is what I felt like posting today. I miss him so much during the day, that I wanted to do a little something for him.

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

We had a nice Easter. Josh got so much for his first Easter (you would have thought it was his birthday) Anyway, aside from the turkey being a little dry and NO MASHED POTATOES....I think everything turned out nice. The weather was nice, the company was nice and Josh was a happy happy boy!

I hope everyone had a VERY nice Easter as well....and if you don't celebrate it, well, it was a gorgeous weekend anyway. SO all in all there were many good reasons to be outside or with family or doing whatever you love!!

Have a great week everyone...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I LOVE my Little guy...

We spend alot of time together when he gets home from Daycare. I miss him all day long and someday I hope I can see him more during the week!! I feel like I am missing him growing up...even though I DO get to see him everyday. The weekends are great and they are OUR time (Corey and I) to spend with our son. We can't tell you how much we love being parents.

When I was younger I always wanted a big family. I always wanted 3 or 4 children. That may seem like alot to some of you and then again, that is a small amount to others. But man I wish I had the time to make it happen. I guess I will have to be thankful for what I have. AND I AM FOR SURE!!!!

Ahhh, shucks mom....don't gush over me!

Have a Great day everyone!!

Happy Valentines Day!!

Just a little note to say Happy Valentines day!!

To MY Valentines:

No matter the weather
No matter the day
I love you much
in such a BIG way!

If I could try to think
of how much you mean to me,
My love is as tall as the mountains
and deep as the sea.

I can't think of my life
without my two Valentine guys.
I just can't find a word
that could best describe.

In love with you I am
In love with I'll be
You have blessed my life in ENORMOUS ways
I hope you will always see.

I love you so much
I will tell you for life
I am HAPPY to be your mother
and I proud to be your wife!

Love you!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Just another day

I am writing to keep this page updated. I know some of you keep an eye out for updates and it gets pretty boring on this site. So here is a little update from our family.
Not to much I have to say. Its a slow January. A sloooooow, snoooooowy January!

We always look at Josh in amazement at how fast he is growing. I look at pictures of him and his face changes so often, I have to keep taking new updated pictures, so people can see him as he really looks.

Atleast he can "put his arms down"....

We are starting to practice the art of sitting up on his own. He has a very strong back and legs but he is too top heavy. (haha) When he turns his head or flails his arms to fast to grab something in front of him, he is tipping over to either side. It is a riot and I just laugh and kiss him everytime he tips to one side. I know I shouldn't laugh but I am laughing with love and pride. He is trying so hard everyday to be a big boy and he is growing up too fast!!
He HAS rolled over alot this week....incase no one has heard yet. I was cleaning his room with him in the crib and I turned to put his socks away and turned back to see him and he was on his tummy. (playing with the little piano crib toy) "What did you do?" I asked. He just had this big grin on his face and kicks his feet back up and down as fast as he can. (he looks like a seal balancing on his tummy and tetter tottering back and fourth. He will also kick so hard and fast, like he is trying to crawl away as fast as he can) Anway, He didn't know what happened!!
I must say that changing him has become a sport. He rolls from side to side trying to get away and holds on to his feet like they are the best thing to come down the pike. I shouldn't have gotten him toys for Christmas....he has two toys at the ends of his legs that he seems to love best right now. I just LOVE that kid!!!! you are all caught up and you can go about your day and sleep better knowing the latest and greatest from our Joshua ;)

You've come a long way Baby.....

Bye for now

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Anniversary!!

So here is to another year gone bye. It really does seem like we have been together forever. (and not in a bad way)
We have known each other and been together for about 9 1/2 years and married 2yrs as of December 31st. We got to go out with a bunch of our friends that night. We had a GREAT time!! Meme and Pepe watched Josh for us (Pepe hadn't seen him in so long...I was glad to bring him there) He had a nice time with them so we didn't have a thing to worry about. It was (for the most part......) a pretty good day. We enjoyed and acknowledged the fact that we could do whatever we wanted and despite having to work in the morning, we made it a memorable day!
If you have never eaten at a Hibachi grill at a Japanese restaurant, you HAVE to try it. That is all I can say. I know that all of the restaurants can be different but the small show they do for you while preparing your food, is very entertaining. We have made it a tradition to eat at a Hibachi grill every anniversary!
I can't begin to tell you how much I love my husband. He is a terrific father as well. I certainly Do not want to bore you with any details that you don't really need to know..but just to give him a little praise and a thank you, is my goal. Here's to an eternity of HAPPY anniversaries!!!!!

Our first Christmas Together as a new family!

It may not look like much to you....but Josh seemed VERY pleased with the little he got. Every year we will be able to provide alittle more. Maybe in a few years we can even provide a brother or sister! (wink) ;)

What a Christmas!! I must say, Josh really loved the presents and the atmosphere more than I thought he would. He was definitley more aware and interested and it made it that much more fun for us. Corey and I are so proud and happy to have our own child to share our Holidays with. It gives us new meaning for these special times of the year. Everything seems to have so much more purpose!! That little Monkey is loved more than he will ever know and We intend on showing him everyday just what he means to us. He are a few pictures we can share. I hope you enjoy them and they do not do the "real thing" justice. You just HAD to be there to enjoy the full effect. Christmas day was the best day ever this year!!!! =)

Santa and Me

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa's

Despite how SICK Josh was that day...we ventured out on Christmas Eve to see the Grandparents and he did very well. It is traditiona to see the Tomlinson side of the family for Christmas Eve. It is their special night with him for us to exchange gifts! The poor little guy had a very bad cold and a fever earlier that day. Of course he also had two teeth coming in at the same time, on top of the BIG cold. So he was a real trooper and smiled a lot, anyway!

Christmas morning for our new little family

My new rattle was my favorite gift =)

Christmas day with MY family
Christmas day every year is my families day to spend with us. I like the fact that we each have a special day for each family and we don't have to run around or worry about who got to spend more time with who. It is GREAT to be able to have that seperate time and enjoy every second together!!! =)

My first Red Sox hat from Uncle Wayne

Gram Gram just LOVES me soo much!

I went to see Pepe too!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope to write again soon!!
Take care