Friday, January 15, 2010

Just another day

I am writing to keep this page updated. I know some of you keep an eye out for updates and it gets pretty boring on this site. So here is a little update from our family.
Not to much I have to say. Its a slow January. A sloooooow, snoooooowy January!

We always look at Josh in amazement at how fast he is growing. I look at pictures of him and his face changes so often, I have to keep taking new updated pictures, so people can see him as he really looks.

Atleast he can "put his arms down"....

We are starting to practice the art of sitting up on his own. He has a very strong back and legs but he is too top heavy. (haha) When he turns his head or flails his arms to fast to grab something in front of him, he is tipping over to either side. It is a riot and I just laugh and kiss him everytime he tips to one side. I know I shouldn't laugh but I am laughing with love and pride. He is trying so hard everyday to be a big boy and he is growing up too fast!!
He HAS rolled over alot this week....incase no one has heard yet. I was cleaning his room with him in the crib and I turned to put his socks away and turned back to see him and he was on his tummy. (playing with the little piano crib toy) "What did you do?" I asked. He just had this big grin on his face and kicks his feet back up and down as fast as he can. (he looks like a seal balancing on his tummy and tetter tottering back and fourth. He will also kick so hard and fast, like he is trying to crawl away as fast as he can) Anway, He didn't know what happened!!
I must say that changing him has become a sport. He rolls from side to side trying to get away and holds on to his feet like they are the best thing to come down the pike. I shouldn't have gotten him toys for Christmas....he has two toys at the ends of his legs that he seems to love best right now. I just LOVE that kid!!!! you are all caught up and you can go about your day and sleep better knowing the latest and greatest from our Joshua ;)

You've come a long way Baby.....

Bye for now


Meme said...

Yes, Josh has come along way. He has two new toofins and can roll over. (WOW!). Take advantage of this time with him cause they grow up too darn fast!

Ally said...

i love him in that picture with his hat and mitties. SO cute Shelly!

Steve & Missy said...

I love Josh all bundled up in his adorable hat! Seems like your enjoying every minute you get with him. How fun!