Sunday, January 3, 2010

Our first Christmas Together as a new family!

It may not look like much to you....but Josh seemed VERY pleased with the little he got. Every year we will be able to provide alittle more. Maybe in a few years we can even provide a brother or sister! (wink) ;)

What a Christmas!! I must say, Josh really loved the presents and the atmosphere more than I thought he would. He was definitley more aware and interested and it made it that much more fun for us. Corey and I are so proud and happy to have our own child to share our Holidays with. It gives us new meaning for these special times of the year. Everything seems to have so much more purpose!! That little Monkey is loved more than he will ever know and We intend on showing him everyday just what he means to us. He are a few pictures we can share. I hope you enjoy them and they do not do the "real thing" justice. You just HAD to be there to enjoy the full effect. Christmas day was the best day ever this year!!!! =)

Santa and Me

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa's

Despite how SICK Josh was that day...we ventured out on Christmas Eve to see the Grandparents and he did very well. It is traditiona to see the Tomlinson side of the family for Christmas Eve. It is their special night with him for us to exchange gifts! The poor little guy had a very bad cold and a fever earlier that day. Of course he also had two teeth coming in at the same time, on top of the BIG cold. So he was a real trooper and smiled a lot, anyway!

Christmas morning for our new little family

My new rattle was my favorite gift =)

Christmas day with MY family
Christmas day every year is my families day to spend with us. I like the fact that we each have a special day for each family and we don't have to run around or worry about who got to spend more time with who. It is GREAT to be able to have that seperate time and enjoy every second together!!! =)

My first Red Sox hat from Uncle Wayne

Gram Gram just LOVES me soo much!

I went to see Pepe too!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope to write again soon!!
Take care


Meme said...

It was a wonderful Christmas this year because both of you presented both of us with a beautiful Grandson, Josh, who we both LOVE so very much. Thank you for that! Christmas, this year brought back so many memories of when we could see the joy of Christmas through your eyes. Now we can watch little Josh's eyes light up. It's GREAT!!

Anonymous said...

What a lucky boy you have to have so many people who love him so much! I especially love his rosy cheeks! So cute!