Thursday, November 12, 2009

We hit a Milestone!!!!!

I am so proud to say that Josh has now been upgraded to sitting up in his highchair. How exciting is that!!!!! He can now sit with us at the table and play with his toys and just experience a whole new world...waaaaaaaaaaaay up there in his new seat.

We are just so proud of him! What is next? I LOVE all the new discoveries I found out about him everyday.

"Hey this ducky looks cool up close"

So hopefully we have more exciting news, as he gorws up right before our eyes.

Have a good night everyone!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

This week at "school"...

Josh had a great week last week at his daycare/school. He had all sorts of adventures and playtime. He LOVES other children and just watches them in amazement!!
After Halloween, the theme they had for the week was Pilgrims. He got to dress up like a Pilgrim and Josh even made mommy a little magnet for the fridge. I think he did a pretty good job...hehehe

It is the cutest magnet ever! I just love it.

I love the fact that I can part of his day...even when I can't be there with him! It is something very special for a mom to have and I am very grateful that Corey and I have our own pictures that come to us everyday. It makes us feel special and loved. No one can take that away from us either. I think it is very important to have those special times on film and video and we don't have to miss it. It could be so much worse and I am so glad things worked out like they did!!!
The only next best to be with him in person myself, all day. But that will come soon enough. I know this for sure. Until then...I will keep getting pictures like this, to keep me going through out the work day.

Snug as a Big in a Rug!!
Have a good night. More to come........

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

I hope you all had a safe night. We had fun handing out candy and seeing the little ones all excited and running from house to house with their plastic pumpkins and pillow cases. They all compare over what peice of candy they just got. They are all so cute and I can't wait until Josh is old enough to trick or treat :0)
Anyway here are a few pics of the us and the grand parents hanging out with Josh over this Holiday weekend .

Our little Monkey had a busy weekend. He went to sleep so early tonight. I can't WAIT to get up at 5am. **sigh**
Oh's worth it when I see his face smile at me that early. It makes me wake up and want to stay awake so I can keep playing with him. (that feeling doesn't keep me from nodding off while feeding him, mind you) But again....he is worth it ;)
Anyway, more pics and posts to come. I just realized that Corey and I are not in any of these pictures. We are so worried about getting the Grandparents, we forget about ourselves. We will have to change that soon. (not that I am in a hurry to get my mug up on this Blog. But I would LOVE pictures with my little man :0)

Good night and come back to visit soon!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Costume

Josh had his costume on this week for the nice people at the nursing home. They all went trick or treating and showed off their costumes. Everyone just loved it and they all had a great time. I think Josh likes his costume. Not only is it warm and cozy...but I think he KNOWS how cute he is in it!
That other picture I have of him is smaller (for some weird reason I wish I knew) but it shows how proud he is to be a froggy this year. That's my happy boy!! And mommy's gonna cook him up and eat him! (yummy froggy legs) hehehehe

Have a safe and fun Halloween! myspace graphic comments

The Pumpkin Patch

Joshua visited the pumkin patch for the first time this year with his daycare class. They all had a great time and they LOVED the pumkins and getting their pictures taken. All except one little boy that is....

Here is starting to realize that someone put him down. "Hey I don't wanna sit in these cold, hard, strange looking things!"

"Hey....didn't you hear me? I said I don't wanna....Ah the heck with it. I gonna do what I always do when I want something....

"I TOOOOOLD YOU.....I am cold!!! Where's that lady who keeps telling me to call her mommy?...SHE would have picked me up?!" ;)

I hope you enjoyed these pictures more than he enjoyed his first trip to the pumkin patch! (haha) I wish I was there with him but these pictures are priceless and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw them. Actually to be honest, my FIRST reaction, was to run out of work and go him (she sends me pictures at work everyday incase that didn't make sense to you)

Anyway, more CUUUUTE pictures to come :0)
(I hope they aren't too small to see them! I don't have my scanner hooked up so I had to copy and paste off of her website)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

To Meme's house we go...

I wuv a visit to Meme's house.
She always makes me smile.
And when I get tired and cwanky,
She wets me sweep on her bed for a while!

I have a good nap.
I wake up to see,
A wuving, anxious face
Waiting to pway wiff me.

A Meme' offers wuv
She woves me oh so much.
Ev-wee-one needs a Meme'
that have that special touch!

A beautiful fall day

So here is Josh's tough day (last Thursday) at daycare. It was a beautiful 70 degree day and she was playing with the kids outside. She decided to take a few pictures of the kids playing in the leaves. Even Josh had his fun that day. He seems to like the outside more and more. He was not crazy about alot of things since he's been in this world but this daycare seems to be breaking him out of his shell a little bit. This is a VERY good thing.
So, I hope you all had a good day today! Keep reading because the best pictures are yet to come!!! You will laugh like crazy when you see his "Day at the Pumpkin Patch"!
Stay tuned....

A busy week....

So last week I brought Josh to daycare. His actual first day was Thursday October 15th. I had dropped him off for a few hours...just to kind of get used to it. Mostly for me, not him ;)
I have to say that this woman is WONDERFUL with him. She has kids of her own(twins actually) so she right off the bat has the experience with kids. She has so many degree's in childhood education from child phsycology to a Masters Degree in special education. She was born to run a daycare/preschool and if I can't watch Josh myself...I can't think of anyone I feel better about him being with all day. Plus he is getting used to kids and he seems to like watching them. He is fascinated by them. And they seem to be fascinated with him as well! Needless to say, I am happy with leaving him in a caring, loving and structured atmosphere.
Don't get me wrong...I would rather be with him myself but I will go with the flow and hope things will go my way in the end ;0)

So he really did have a good week this past week. She sends me pictures EVERYDAY and gives a small report card at the end of the day. It is a great setup and I don't know too many working mothers who get this kind of involvement in their childrens day. I am very lucky to have found her!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What a big boy!

I was getting some organizing done at the house yesterday (getting out my work clothes and putting away the maternity for now) and I had Josh on my bed to keep a close eye on him. I guess he got bored. He started reading one of his books. Just sitting around relaxing on my Boppy and catching up on the "Baby Bear" book.

"This is a good book....but I can't figure out how to turn the page. Man, I wish I knew how to use my arms..."

So anyway, I kneel in front of him to ask him if he is enjoying the book. He seemed pretty in to it and this is the look I get:

"Uht Oh....she caught me..."

I just love this kid. He is my world. He completes Corey and I so perfectly! We already feel like he has been with us forever. I can;t remember what it was like without him and I honestly do not care! It is such a special thing to be a mom and I am looking forward to having another to share more love with him/her. We LOVE being parents and I think we are good at it. Who is to say what is right and what is wrong for your child. Only we know and I think as long as he keeps smiling we are doing something right!
Right Josh?!

We love you "Monkey".....and I know you love us too!

More to come...We have a busy wekend coming up ;)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Corey's parents came over last week to visit with Josh. They used to visit us...but now they come to see him. (hehehe) Again, the pictures are fuzzy because they are taken with my camera phone.

Unfortunately they came during his fussy time. I had to show these pictures because not only is he a cute baby....but he is cuter when he is mad. (sorry Josh but it's true!)

Grandpa....did you pinch him?

Grandma tries to make him feel better......
Look at that lip (he gets that from me, for sure!)

All in all, it was a nice night. The Bruins were playing so Kyle was occupied (Corey's brother) And if I remember correctly the Red Sox were playing too. The men here were quite distracted! (of course, it didn't help that Josh was in and out of sleep the whole time) So what else was there for them to do. I don't blame them! ;)

More to come....thanks for reading!

A few updates....

I have taken alot of pictures over the past week and I haven't been able to get them to my computer for some reason. I now have things back to normal and I can update you on whats been going on. It may seem like this has all happened in one day....but I assure you it has been at least a week for all these pictures. I will explain with each picture :0)
Patriots game at our friends mothers house. They are like family to Corey and I and it has turned into a tradition to go over their house to watch the Patriots play. So we ventured over there all decked out in our patriots attire, with Josh, last week.

Here is proud Papa with his son....watching the game.

You can see by the look on his face, that Josh just LOVES football!

Our bestest friends (Ed and Jen)and their ADORABLE little girl Alexis. (Lexi) We are going to her 2nd birthday party tonight. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEXI!!

"Oh No Lex...the Patriots just fumbled the ball.....What do yoiu think of that?"

Here is our friend Eric and his BEAUTIFUL daughter Brielle. His wife didn't come until later so I don't have a picture of her :0(
The pictures are fuzzy because its off of my cameraphone. Isn't she a Beautiful baby!!

We did not have to twist "Moms" arm, to hold Josh. That is Corey's second mother Diane. She is Meme' to Lexi.
She loves Josh like he was her own Grandson. :0)

That was our big day of fun. I wish I had more pictures...but we WERE watching the game.
Lots more to come for the week....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rainy afternoon...

It is a quiet day around here so far. Josh has been sleeping all morning and Corey and I actually got to eat lunch together! That is a rarity around here lately. I am counting the little blessings that come day in and day out. It seems there are alot and I haven't had time to stop and enjoy them. Now I can see them for what they really are. How lucky I am to have Corey in my life and how blessed I am to have a beautiful healthy little boy.
That's all for today. I may have more tonight. I am not sure yet :0)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Last Night

Corey was sitting with Josh and I had to take this picture. He is such a good dad. He LOVES being a father and we are so proud of our son. He is such a strong, smart little boy. Alot people ask..."so do you want more kids?" The answer has been yes before he came and it is still yes to this day. I knew I always wanted atleast two children and now that there is nothing to be afraid of, (I was terrified of the pain) I will gladly go through through what I did for another beautiful little Tomlinson baby!

First day home

I was going through everything last night and realized that Corey had this video of him. He took this the day we came home from the hospital. His very first ride in the swing. (that he later hated and we we have returned it since)
He was only 5 days old. He was so big already :0)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I am back!!

So I was FINALLY looking at my Blog today and I realized that the background on it has snowflakes. That can only mean that the last time I have updated/visited my Blog is last winter. (hehehe) So I think I will leave that background up for now....seeing as how it is SOOOO cold outside it feels like it will snow anyway.
Alot has happened since I have been on. I have a new son. He is the bestest little thing that has ever happened to me!! I am in love and I can't wait to share all the fun and pictures with you. I know you are thinking, "yeah right, keeping up with pictures. I'll believe that when I see it." But I have reason to be on now. To brag and show off and just share the love and happiness I have right now :0)
So without further adieu: My son, Joshua Alan Tomlinson

This is him in the hospital. One of his first pictures, right after they brought him to us in the room.

Proud Daddy holding him in the hospital. It really was a great experience and I hope when/if I have another one, it will be just as pleasant!

Meme' and Pepe' marveling over this perfect little boy! How can you blame them!
(do I sound to much like a bragging mother?....good!)

His first night in his crib, all by himself. What a brave boy!!!!!

My first ride in the stroller. As long as I am sleeping....I am quiet. Otherwise neighbors, LOOK OUT!! You'lll hear me coming.....WAAAAAHHHHHHH WAAAAHHHHHH

First bath. It looks like he is thinking "this whole bath/getting clean thing is HIGHLY over rated!"

My first laugh. You gotta love him!

Thank you for visiting and I have more pictures to come. But I don't want to overload you all right now!