Saturday, October 10, 2009

A few updates....

I have taken alot of pictures over the past week and I haven't been able to get them to my computer for some reason. I now have things back to normal and I can update you on whats been going on. It may seem like this has all happened in one day....but I assure you it has been at least a week for all these pictures. I will explain with each picture :0)
Patriots game at our friends mothers house. They are like family to Corey and I and it has turned into a tradition to go over their house to watch the Patriots play. So we ventured over there all decked out in our patriots attire, with Josh, last week.

Here is proud Papa with his son....watching the game.

You can see by the look on his face, that Josh just LOVES football!

Our bestest friends (Ed and Jen)and their ADORABLE little girl Alexis. (Lexi) We are going to her 2nd birthday party tonight. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEXI!!

"Oh No Lex...the Patriots just fumbled the ball.....What do yoiu think of that?"

Here is our friend Eric and his BEAUTIFUL daughter Brielle. His wife didn't come until later so I don't have a picture of her :0(
The pictures are fuzzy because its off of my cameraphone. Isn't she a Beautiful baby!!

We did not have to twist "Moms" arm, to hold Josh. That is Corey's second mother Diane. She is Meme' to Lexi.
She loves Josh like he was her own Grandson. :0)

That was our big day of fun. I wish I had more pictures...but we WERE watching the game.
Lots more to come for the week....

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