Saturday, October 10, 2009

A visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Corey's parents came over last week to visit with Josh. They used to visit us...but now they come to see him. (hehehe) Again, the pictures are fuzzy because they are taken with my camera phone.

Unfortunately they came during his fussy time. I had to show these pictures because not only is he a cute baby....but he is cuter when he is mad. (sorry Josh but it's true!)

Grandpa....did you pinch him?

Grandma tries to make him feel better......
Look at that lip (he gets that from me, for sure!)

All in all, it was a nice night. The Bruins were playing so Kyle was occupied (Corey's brother) And if I remember correctly the Red Sox were playing too. The men here were quite distracted! (of course, it didn't help that Josh was in and out of sleep the whole time) So what else was there for them to do. I don't blame them! ;)

More to come....thanks for reading!

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