Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A busy week....

So last week I brought Josh to daycare. His actual first day was Thursday October 15th. I had dropped him off for a few hours...just to kind of get used to it. Mostly for me, not him ;)
I have to say that this woman is WONDERFUL with him. She has kids of her own(twins actually) so she right off the bat has the experience with kids. She has so many degree's in childhood education from child phsycology to a Masters Degree in special education. She was born to run a daycare/preschool and if I can't watch Josh myself...I can't think of anyone I feel better about him being with all day. Plus he is getting used to kids and he seems to like watching them. He is fascinated by them. And they seem to be fascinated with him as well! Needless to say, I am happy with leaving him in a caring, loving and structured atmosphere.
Don't get me wrong...I would rather be with him myself but I will go with the flow and hope things will go my way in the end ;0)

So he really did have a good week this past week. She sends me pictures EVERYDAY and gives a small report card at the end of the day. It is a great setup and I don't know too many working mothers who get this kind of involvement in their childrens day. I am very lucky to have found her!!

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