Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chapter 34 ( a few months that is)

I LOVE coming home from work and seeing that smile that my son gives me. I think it is safe to say he definitely knows who I am and the feeling is UNBELIEVABLE! I just want to see those little teeth behind that HUGE smile all day long (and as of June I will be able to). I have been offered a job at the daycare that my son currently goes to. Now if this isn't a once in a lifetime opportunity, I don't know what is. I will be working with children (which has been my passion for a very long time now) and I will be there to watch my son grow and blossom into a little boy.
I have known since around February that I was going to be working there and I didn't want to say anything to everyone for many reasons. (questions, concerns, and worries to name a few) Only a few people were told and they too were itching to tell someone about it. I personally wanted to shout it from the roof tops!!
Another chapter in my life is about to close and I can not wait to see what life has in store for me next. You will all have to keep reading my Blog and stay tuned!!! =)

When I told Josh the news he got very excited!

Well....we all kind of know he didn't understand what I was saying when I told him that mommy put in her notice at her current job. But I sure like to think he felt my relief and excitement and was basking in the glow of my happiness!!
Just look at this can't tell me he isn't happy for mommy!! HA HA

Anyhoo, I just wanted to share the joy with all of you. I am different person already. I have courage and confidence and a future to look forward to. Like I said, a NEW Chapter to begin. I would do anything for the people I love. ESPECIALLY that little boy. You could never tear me away. He is stuck with me for life and from where I sit....he doesn't seem to mind so far!

Here's to the future:I hope it goes by super slow


Meme said...

Well Babe, ya gone and done it again. You made me cry. Tears of joy that is.... Keep up the good work. Your a natural Mother. Wanna know a secret? Josh told me he can't wait till you join him at day care......

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! What a great opportunity.