Sunday, April 3, 2011

Holy Macanolli!!!

I think it has been a little too long since I have had the time to post and play around with my Blog. Just about a year has gone by. That is CRAZY!! Time is really flying by, despite my wishes of a SLOW time with my children. YES...I said children. Since I have written last, I have gotten pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl on February 9, 2011.

Now I hope I find the time to keep up on this Blog and maybe start a Facebook account in hopes to keep in touch with my family. We will see what happens but for today...I felt like posting again!
I will probably post more later but right now I think I will be putting a new background and stuff on this poor abandoned Blog ;)


Ally said...

She's perfect. Can't wait to meet her!

Meme said...

Again, we are so very proud to be Grandparents...There's nothing like it...