Monday, May 9, 2011

A perfect Mothers Day!!

Thanks to my husband and family, I had the best day ever. It was very relaxed. I just wish it could be like that everyday but I guess I would have nothing to look forward to like those special Holidays =)
But getting to spend the WHOLE day with Corey and the kids was so perfect. We really don't all get to hang out like that much so I think that is what made it so much more enjoyable!! I had a smile on my face from the time I woke up until I passed out from the busy, fun filled day. (I WAS a tiny bit sad because I knew that Corey would go back to being busy the very next day and we would have to wait a while to do something like that again)

A Mothers Day breakfast. I wanted all the mothers to go out together and do a brunch thing but plans could not stay straight. Next year ( I have already promised myself) will be different. No mother should have to cook on Mothers Day. It should be an unwritten rule =) I can't complain though because it was DELICIOUS!

Mothers Day dinner with Meme and Pepe. I was looking forward to seeing my mommy on Mothers day. She is absolutely, without a doubt, my bestest friend in the world!! I hope she can promise me atleast another 35 years of Mothers Days together. Our relationship has blossomed into a beautiful thing and the older we get, the more I appreciate the woman she is. I wish I could have known her (woman to woman) a LONG time ago and appreciated it. I was too busy being a bratty teenager. She is fabulous and has a heart of gold. Obviously my children can feel it too! Never change mom!! I hope my children feel this way about me when I am older and I can only hope to be HALF the great mom she was to us. She was ALWAYS THERE FOR US and still is!!!!

I wanted to go to feed the ducks or go to the zoo or something like that with my kids. So we finally decided on the zoo.
We all had fun and Josh loved it. I can't wait to take him more places this summer. We will be taking him to many more places that he is finally getting old enough to enjoy. And we can enjoy it also because he is having fun!! Amelia is still too small to even care where we go. As long as there are diapers and formula for her...she is happy =)

We passed by a few animals on the way into the zoo and OF COURSE the kitty catches his eye.

Not too sure I want to feed the BIG reindeer daddy...

Which way should we go now Josh??.......

Once daddy showed Josh how to feed the bigger animals...he had it down pat and couldn't get enough!

Time to go home.

I just wanted to thank Corey for helping make it a perfect day!! Great little gifties, great food and great company. Who could ask for anything more??!!

I love my family VERY VERY much!!!!!!!!


Ally said...

I'm so glad you had such a great day! You deserve it! Love you!

Unknown said...

I hope your happy Shelly, again you brought tears to my eyes. { Tears of JOY } I LOVE you too and I wouldn't have changed a thing..I too had the BEST of Mother's Day!
Thank you....:).....<3