Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bird watching (or plotting to escape...)

I know how much Josh loves to be outside and he likes to sit in the front window and dream about playing in the park across the street. (Even though he gets out atleast once a day but if it were up to him...he would NEVER have to come inside). I guess that is not entirely a bad thing because we wanted to keep him active.
But anyway, let me just say that Cosmo (our kitty) has been trying to get outside since the day we got him. Now normally I would have no problem with it. I have had cats who have gone outside and lived long healthy HAPPY lives but Corey is PARANOID that he will get hit by a car or something. I feel that if he is miserable being cooped up inside, then let him get out and stretch his little paws and enjoy his life (however long or short it may be). He will be happy in the time he has on this earth. Instead of trying so desperately to sneak out all the time.
Anyhow, I thought you would all enjoy these picture. I saw Josh looking out the front window and when ever Cosmo jumped up and looked out as well....I HAD to get out the camera. They are precious together and I think they were whispering to each other but of course I have no proof ;0)

Enjoy your day and take advantage of being an adult (or human with thumbs) and GET OUTSIDE. Enjoy the Spring and Summer. I know we will!!
Have a great day!