Monday, May 23, 2011

Rain Rain, GO AWAY!!

It has been raining so much here in Mass. Getting a little boring and depressing sitting around the house all day. Just look at that pathetic face. He wants to get outside so bad and I wish I could take him to the park and for a nice long walk...but we have to wait. AND wait......AND WAIT!!
Oh well, we do have a few funs things we do inside as well. (I can tell you my kids have never been cleaner because it seems a bath is a good way to make time pass) HA HA!
I hope everyone else is having a little bit better weather than we have had.

Here are a few pictures from our week in the house: ENJOY!

Coming up with creative ways to draw on his magna-doodle

Joshy enjoying AMELIA'S playpen/crib....
"your a big boy, you don't fit in there!"

Watching baseball with daddy

Meme makes some YUMMY popcorn!!

And watching the rain some more...

The sun can't come soon enough. WE GOIN' CRAZY!! =0)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

♫ ♫ The sun will come out..♫ ♫ Tomorrow, Tomorrow ♫ ♫ Hopefully }