Thursday, October 1, 2009

I am back!!

So I was FINALLY looking at my Blog today and I realized that the background on it has snowflakes. That can only mean that the last time I have updated/visited my Blog is last winter. (hehehe) So I think I will leave that background up for now....seeing as how it is SOOOO cold outside it feels like it will snow anyway.
Alot has happened since I have been on. I have a new son. He is the bestest little thing that has ever happened to me!! I am in love and I can't wait to share all the fun and pictures with you. I know you are thinking, "yeah right, keeping up with pictures. I'll believe that when I see it." But I have reason to be on now. To brag and show off and just share the love and happiness I have right now :0)
So without further adieu: My son, Joshua Alan Tomlinson

This is him in the hospital. One of his first pictures, right after they brought him to us in the room.

Proud Daddy holding him in the hospital. It really was a great experience and I hope when/if I have another one, it will be just as pleasant!

Meme' and Pepe' marveling over this perfect little boy! How can you blame them!
(do I sound to much like a bragging mother?....good!)

His first night in his crib, all by himself. What a brave boy!!!!!

My first ride in the stroller. As long as I am sleeping....I am quiet. Otherwise neighbors, LOOK OUT!! You'lll hear me coming.....WAAAAAHHHHHHH WAAAAHHHHHH

First bath. It looks like he is thinking "this whole bath/getting clean thing is HIGHLY over rated!"

My first laugh. You gotta love him!

Thank you for visiting and I have more pictures to come. But I don't want to overload you all right now!


Ally said...

I am SO glad you are back! Welcome to mommy-hood. Isn't it great?

Nicole said...

He is adorable Shelly!! CONGRATS! Yes Ally, it definitly is so GREAT! Babies are the best!!

Shelly said...

Thank you both and I couldn't agree more...Mommy-hood IS the best!!

Cindi said...

I love the pic of Meme and Pepe...the looks on their faces are the best! You think motherhood is great??? Just wait till you get to grandmotherhood!!! It's fabulously a hundred times better!!!