Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

Joshua visited the pumkin patch for the first time this year with his daycare class. They all had a great time and they LOVED the pumkins and getting their pictures taken. All except one little boy that is....

Here is starting to realize that someone put him down. "Hey I don't wanna sit in these cold, hard, strange looking things!"

"Hey....didn't you hear me? I said I don't wanna....Ah the heck with it. I gonna do what I always do when I want something....

"I TOOOOOLD YOU.....I am cold!!! Where's that lady who keeps telling me to call her mommy?...SHE would have picked me up?!" ;)

I hope you enjoyed these pictures more than he enjoyed his first trip to the pumkin patch! (haha) I wish I was there with him but these pictures are priceless and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw them. Actually to be honest, my FIRST reaction, was to run out of work and go him (she sends me pictures at work everyday incase that didn't make sense to you)

Anyway, more CUUUUTE pictures to come :0)
(I hope they aren't too small to see them! I don't have my scanner hooked up so I had to copy and paste off of her website)

1 comment:

Meme said...

Isn't Josh the cutest little pumpkin you ever saw? I sure would have picked that pumpkin out of that patch. He realy looked like he wanted to be there(NOT).