Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rainy afternoon...

It is a quiet day around here so far. Josh has been sleeping all morning and Corey and I actually got to eat lunch together! That is a rarity around here lately. I am counting the little blessings that come day in and day out. It seems there are alot and I haven't had time to stop and enjoy them. Now I can see them for what they really are. How lucky I am to have Corey in my life and how blessed I am to have a beautiful healthy little boy.
That's all for today. I may have more tonight. I am not sure yet :0)


Ally said...

isn't that the best??! I remember crying one night cause I had made dinner and I was eating by myself while jason tended to Zach and my mom told me that those days would pass, and by golly, they did. I didn't think they ever would!

Steve & Missy said...

He is such a cutie! Looks like Corey to me, but a good combo of both of you. So happy for you too!