Thursday, October 15, 2009

What a big boy!

I was getting some organizing done at the house yesterday (getting out my work clothes and putting away the maternity for now) and I had Josh on my bed to keep a close eye on him. I guess he got bored. He started reading one of his books. Just sitting around relaxing on my Boppy and catching up on the "Baby Bear" book.

"This is a good book....but I can't figure out how to turn the page. Man, I wish I knew how to use my arms..."

So anyway, I kneel in front of him to ask him if he is enjoying the book. He seemed pretty in to it and this is the look I get:

"Uht Oh....she caught me..."

I just love this kid. He is my world. He completes Corey and I so perfectly! We already feel like he has been with us forever. I can;t remember what it was like without him and I honestly do not care! It is such a special thing to be a mom and I am looking forward to having another to share more love with him/her. We LOVE being parents and I think we are good at it. Who is to say what is right and what is wrong for your child. Only we know and I think as long as he keeps smiling we are doing something right!
Right Josh?!

We love you "Monkey".....and I know you love us too!

More to come...We have a busy wekend coming up ;)


Steve & Missy said...

I just love that baby outfit on him. He is a very handsome boy. Thanks for sharing more pics of Josh!

Nicole said...

He is getting so big so fast! Time goes by too quickly, huh? He is so adorable!

Shelly said...

Thank you to both of you (well all of you) for visiting my BLOG. I love sharing pictures and I love hearing from you :0)