Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Bunny came....

We decided to have Easter at our house again. I think for the future it will just be easier to have people come to us. We don't want to have to rush out the door with two kids. Especially after getting ALL those goodies from the Easter Bunny. It takes a kid a long time to part with their new fun stuff and ALL THAT CANDY ;0)

So first we have to clean up because we know that company is coming over...

And of course we can get VERY tired after all that cleaning:

And some of us were glad not to have to clean...(just wait until you get older missy. Enjoy it now! HA)

I have my bucket mom, I am ready to hunt

And we're off...

I found my Easter Basket.... "WOOOOOOOWWWWW"

Soccer ball is a favorite!!

Joshy even helped Amelia find her little gifty from that generous Bunny ;0)

Meme and Pepe come over with a great big basket for their Monkey

Blue from Blue's clues? "MY FAVORITE OF ALL!" He LOVES Blue!

And so, at the end of the day, Amelia seems SO overwhelmed and exhausted. She fell asleep early that night.

While Josh enjoys his Easter cupcake. YUMMY!

I hope everyone had sweet day!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Was such a nice day. First year Josh really knew what was going on..Can't wait for many many more:)