Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hit a Mile stone....

As some of you know Amelia started with applesauce already. But she is now sitting up like a big girl in her high-chair =) AND ALSO had a whole container of carrots. YES the whole thing. (I think she will be like mommy and not have a problem liking food)

I think we started earlier with Amelia and not with Josh because with him, we didn't know exactly what he could handle and when he was ready to do certain things. It seems that we are starting things earlier with Amelia but in actuality, it is because we are "pro's" now at this baby raising thing. HA HA I am TOTALLY kidding there!!

Anyway, we I just wanted to share with you Amelia's mile stone.

Here is her experience: ENJOY!

"MMMMMM....What is this taste?"

"Oh my...that is really good"

"Is there more? I need more!!"

"Mommy, we definitely have to do this again"

And then there's Josh,

"Oh...yeah...eating. Been there, done that. Talk to me when you can eat a chicken nugget"

He is SUCH a big boy. I just love these kids!!!
Have a great night people!

1 comment:

Meme said...

I don't think you'll have a problem with this one eating. Looks like she'll eat just about anything....Kinda runs in the family...LOL