Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Bunny came....

We decided to have Easter at our house again. I think for the future it will just be easier to have people come to us. We don't want to have to rush out the door with two kids. Especially after getting ALL those goodies from the Easter Bunny. It takes a kid a long time to part with their new fun stuff and ALL THAT CANDY ;0)

So first we have to clean up because we know that company is coming over...

And of course we can get VERY tired after all that cleaning:

And some of us were glad not to have to clean...(just wait until you get older missy. Enjoy it now! HA)

I have my bucket mom, I am ready to hunt

And we're off...

I found my Easter Basket.... "WOOOOOOOWWWWW"

Soccer ball is a favorite!!

Joshy even helped Amelia find her little gifty from that generous Bunny ;0)

Meme and Pepe come over with a great big basket for their Monkey

Blue from Blue's clues? "MY FAVORITE OF ALL!" He LOVES Blue!

And so, at the end of the day, Amelia seems SO overwhelmed and exhausted. She fell asleep early that night.

While Josh enjoys his Easter cupcake. YUMMY!

I hope everyone had sweet day!!

Easter visit from Grandma and Grandpa

It was a nice Easter with family and once again, Easter seems to be a bigger holiday for presents than Christmas. It is very easy for people to get carried away with buying Easter stuff. ;0)

Grandma and Grandpa came over to give the kids their Easter Baskets and right away Josh loves everything!

It seems he liked the crackers best (always a favorite of his)

Grandpa also drew a COOOL picture for Joshy too!

And of course Miss Amelia gets a chance to check out her stuff , after she gets up from her long afternoon nap.

So even despite Josh having a small fever and Amelia sleeping through most of it...I would say they are VERY thankful for their Easter gifts!! =D

Friday, April 15, 2011

"GRAND" parents

I just wanted to post a tribute to the GRAND parents ;)
They always seem to turn into children all over again as soon as they see their grandchildren. It is a great sight to see (and a little funny too) I guess I will be like that someday when Josh and Amelia make us grandparents. I can't wait but lets enjoy the time at hand:


Are you stuck Gram Gram?

Cool car Josh. Whheeeeeeeeeeeee

Careful Josh, Grandpa eats baby toes... ;)

LOVE reading with Meme!!

Who is suppose to be playing with the car here?

Meme is going to KILL me for this one

OR maybe it gives them the EXCUSE to act young and silly ;)

Either way I am greatful that my children have the most wonderful GRAND parents there is!! =0)

Love you all!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Clean up, clean up, everybody clean up..."

We all got outside and cleaned up a little today because it just turned out to be such a nice day. First, we picked up a new playset for Josh for our little backyard. He needed something a little bigger than what he had last year. The park is right across the street from us so getting him too much is just silly but for the times I can't take him over there and just want to sit and watch him play in our own yard, we got him this little fisher price playset (thanks to moms addiction to Craigslist) HA!!
Anyway, we told Josh that if he worked hard and helped mommy clean up the backyard then he would earn his playtime on his new toy. He was actually very happy to help clean up with his new little rake from "Ga Ga".

He did very well and only got distracted a few times:

"A Weef. Mom a Weef"

"A Pow-pee" (puppy through the fence)

Going to show everyone another "Weef"....

I love that kid and he makes me laugh ALL THE TIME! He did finally earn his keep and got to play on his new set. He liked it just a tad bit, I would say....what do you think?

So that was our fun little day outside and I can't wait to have more time with him and Amelia (and Corey too) ;0)

My little man deserves to have fun and hang out with us as much as he can. When he is 10 we won't be "cool" anymore so we are taking advantage of the time now because I hear it goes by fast. Here is to more GREAT times with our kids. What do you think of that Josh?

I think this smile says it all.