Friday, April 8, 2011

A quiet afternoon

It is quiet here in the Tomlinson house. Amelia is out visiting with her Auntie and Josh is sleeping like a rock. He is tired because he had a fun morning with Gram Gram at the park. (or as he calls her "Ga Ga").
I just wanted to write while I had a little time and remind everyone to take advantage of the time you have to yourself. It nice to sit with your own thoughts sometimes and remember who you are. Yes, your a mother or a father. Wife or Husband. Sister, brother, aunt or uncle and all that is great!!! Before all that though we were just us and we have to remember to take time out and do the fun little things we liked to do. Take a 1/2hr bath listening to your favorite music. Going to get your nails done (and throw in the pedicure) just because you could. Eating a bowl of ice cream or grabbing a bag of chips and watching cartoons. Maybe these things are all just me and there are so many different scenario's...but I remember that person. And once in while it is fun to pretend and just be young again, you know?!! =0)
Of course being young through the eyes of my children is a whole other (NOTHER...that one is for Corey) FUN thing and I must say I think I like it more. It is nice to feel young in your memories but when you have children who do things that make you remember...that is the best! Maybe I am rambling and this doesn't make sense to anyone...but the whole point of this post was for me to write what I was feeling today. I feel relaxed, happy, proud and confident. That doesn't come often so I had to share it =0)
I HOPE YOU ALL ARE HAVING A GREAT DAY!!!! Enjoy the weekend because it is suppose to be a nice one! (here in Mass anyway)



Meme said...

What a G-R-E-A-T story. So glad your taking time for yourself Babe. Your a wonderful wife, Mother, sister,niece and most of all { In my eyes } Daughter....<3

Cindi said...

I understand EXACTLY what you are saying...and it is important to remember who you much of parenthood is selfless and sacrificing, no matter how much you love doing it. Just be sure you keep track of you...your desires, your dreams, your goals as an individual. You are doing a great job...(I KNEW you would be a wonderful mother!!!)