Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter visit from Grandma and Grandpa

It was a nice Easter with family and once again, Easter seems to be a bigger holiday for presents than Christmas. It is very easy for people to get carried away with buying Easter stuff. ;0)

Grandma and Grandpa came over to give the kids their Easter Baskets and right away Josh loves everything!

It seems he liked the crackers best (always a favorite of his)

Grandpa also drew a COOOL picture for Joshy too!

And of course Miss Amelia gets a chance to check out her stuff , after she gets up from her long afternoon nap.

So even despite Josh having a small fever and Amelia sleeping through most of it...I would say they are VERY thankful for their Easter gifts!! =D


Anonymous said...

That last picture is so cute, Amelia looks a lot like Corey in that picture!

Shelly said...

She sure does, doesn't she? Lucky girl!! =0)